Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Natural Relationships

Hair Discussion Post: 

How did your spouse or significant other "feel" about you no longer desiring a relaxer or straight hair? I am fascinating with interactions and dynamics between people. I am curious about what you all have experienced.

 If your spouse or significant other had OPPOSING opinions about you going back to your Natural curls--would you have pursued it?

For those of you that are contemplating or in transition--how did your spouse or significant other responded to the news?

Do you feel men prefer straight hair (relaxed), weave or Natural hair?

For me: I remember talking to my male counterpart (at that time) about my thoughts of becoming Natural. He was not "sold" on the idea nor did he ENCOURAGE the idea, either.  To say the least--he is an "EX" now(teasingly). Since then, I have had total embrace by those I have dated and it has not been an issue.  However, As I reflect back when I first transitioned-it was important for me to want that support from my significant other.

What are your thoughts ?

My My My these Natural Couples: 


  1. My hubby was very supportive. He doesn't really care what I do just as long as it makes me happy. When I told him I was going natural all he said was "if you like it, then I love it...go for it"

    1. Perfect!! I think it makes the progress a tad more smoother with substantial support. Good for him.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I tell them deal with it !!!!!!! and move on boo boo lol

  4. It also helped when I cut the rest of my relaxer out he was deployed, so by the time he got back I had already got into a routine and figured out what style and products worked best with my hair, lol.

    1. Yes, the transition part can be a little challenging and distressing. He missed all the best parts to returning to Natural. Overall...I think it is great that he was open to change.

    2. Bless his heart he had to put up with the year that I was trying to figure out things when I had 1/2 relaxed hair and 1/2 natural hair. Getting my hair ready to go anywhere was a headache, a chore, and a challenge. I'm glad I transitioned the way that I did instead of doing the big chop right away, but good Lord dealing with both types of hair at the same time is something I don't ever want to do again, lol. He would just see my hair and tell me "I don't see anything wrong with it...isn't your hair suppose to be curly. You look beautiful to me" I then would have to tell him that I had spent an hour flat ironing it and my edges (the natural part) curled back up from the heat...my entire hair is suppose to straight not just my ends, lol

    3. Too funny. Those are the responses that we all want from our spouses or significant others. You do have beautiful hair--he is right!

  5. The guy I was dating when I b/c- ed had grown up in a house where his Mom was natural so it was beautiful to him. However, I work around a lot of men from TX to NM to KS all who have seen the transition the majority couldn't wrap their heads around why I cut off all of my hair.....I've gotten comments of how they liked it long & straight. I've also gotten grave reviews when I where my natural up or braided. It is my experience that if you are confident and work "It" like you own it and you know you look good, men will generally tell you it looks good on you. They are such visual creatures, if its sexy, it works! LOL!

    1. AMEN GIRL!!!!! You are sooooo right...confidence is DEFINITELY the key.

    2. I agree Kelly. Ironically--I think for some wearing their Natural hair brings about a new kind of CONFIDENCE. It is exotic, unique and attractive. If you OWN it-they will NATURALLY will LOVE it (good point)!
