It takes patience and time to TRAIN your hair to retain moisture.
My personal natural hair product regimen and hair routines have changed several times over the course of my journey. Our hair accepts consistent methods, once you have found the perfect product sequence--make the commitment to maintain that regimen over time, in order to achieve optimum results.
Listen to your hair. As you become more acquainted with your hair needs-you will be able to detect if your hair needs moisture or protein.
Natural Hair Growth Product Application Formula:
Water+Oils+Leave-in Conditioner+Butters+Coconut Oil/Castor Oil
The very last product should be a sealant: Thick Butter Mix, Coconut Oil and/or Castor Oil.
Raw Shea Butter
Shea Butter Mix
Shea Butter Whipped Mix
Daily Products: Green Bottle Water and Yellow Bottle (water/oil mix)
Herbal Essence Totally Twisted: Leave-in Conditioner
Natural Hair Styling Product
Protein Deep Natural Hair Conditioner. Substitute the egg for Mayo
*Shampoo: Bronner's Castile Soap and Conditioner mixed in 2 cups of water.
*ACV and Dr Bronner's Castile Soap MUST be mixed with water, due to the acidic properties. I personally use 2TBs of product in 2 C. of water.